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An important key to the design of a signboard layout (Article: Kaichuang Signboard 123-Design Blog)
●The most important key to the signboard is color matching
↳ The performance effect of each color, size and area is different.
↳ For the combination of each color, the performance of non-luminous during the day and the performance of luminous at night, the signboard will be out of the RGB or CMYK range. At this time, it must be evaluated based on the designer's experience.
↳ Black or dark colors are easy to express the texture, but the functionality of the sign at night is discounted. At this time, the designer must use some tricks to solve the problem.
↳ The frame of the signboard is not the same color as the panel. The overall vision and the installation environment must be taken into consideration. (The industry usually uses white directly)
●The reason for building the signboard (sales/beautification/branding/exposure...) is first understood, and then the theme, foreground, background, decoration... and other composition front configurations of the layout are considered.
●The composition of the signboard will affect not only the plane vision. Signboards of the same size but different designs are installed on the same facade, and the visual appearance of the facade size will be very different.
●The signboard layout design is not a poster design . The difference lies in the viewing angle of the user.
● Consider the functionality and business requirements of the sign first . It is not just a beautiful design of the sign, but also the most suitable layout design with different angles and thinking.
#招牌主題明確性 #配色層次協調 #前景背景相關性 #招牌製作之目的性
#環境(馬路寬度)引響考量 #依安裝高度考量字體大小 #內文筆畫粗細度
【 價格與服務流程-A1服務】
New Production
【新製單面招牌服務】費用與流程 (A1a服務項目)
● 單面橫式招牌550元/才 [最高費用]
*例如最常規尺寸4尺(120cm)*13尺(400cm) 4*13*550元=28,600元 含安裝費。
● 吊車費用3500~4500/式
● 版面設計費3800/式(原價6000)
● 路權申請費2500/次
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●提供招牌版面設計 + 現況合成圖。
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